Insight Syneos Health FSP 360
Insight Syneos Health FSP 360? I've never heard that before... Maybe right, but we want to change that. Syneos Health is a global CRO (Clinical Research Organisation) for the pharmaceutical and medical device industry and the only fully integrated service provider in the field of clinical trials and commercialisation of medicinal products. FSP 360 is short for "Functional Service Provider" and thus stands for fully integrated customer focus. In this podcast, we would like to talk about entry and development opportunities in clinical research. To do this, we invite guests from different areas at Syneos Health to share their experiences and talk from the inside. Subscribe to our podcast to keep up to date with the latest developments at FSP 360.
Insight Syneos Health FSP 360
Episode VI - (GERMAN) Das große W
Manchmal muss man sich einfach mal wieder sammeln und den Gedanken freien Lauf lassen. Bedeutung gibt unserem Handeln einen Sinn. Deshalb reflektieren wir in dieser Folge, warum wir uns für diesen Podcast entschieden haben und uns alle 2 Wochen vor die Mikros setzen.
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